Where can I travel now?

  I don’t know about you, but I’m heartily sick of “virtual travel”!  OK it was nice to have something like that to look at when this pandemic began ….. and when it dragged on.  But let’s face it, it doesn’t come close to the real thing. And we should know.  We normally spend a […]


Stone Dynamics Gallery Keith has been appointed the North American Representative for Stone Dynamics Gallery, who are situated in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. This Gallery, established in 1986, provides a worthy platform for Zimbabwean artists to showcase their stone sculptures. The gallery is recognized internationally and has a permanent exhibition in the country’s premier tourist destination […]


Half-way through March already? How did that happen? Oh.. that’s right, we only got back from Africa 6 weeks ago. Yes! We were traveling – jumping on and off planes, in and out airports, visiting family and friends, spending lots of time outdoors and experiencing life in all its fullness in a place that’s full […]


5 Tips for Flying Through Holiday Travel Flying at peak seasons can be especially stressful. Here are 5 tips to help you fly through to your Boarding Gate during Holiday Travel. Check in 24 hours before you travel.  Purchase any additional services you may require at that time such as a checked bag.  It’s less […]

Custom Golf Travel

Local businessman & golf travel specialist, Jack Smith, in affiliation with Lazy Lizard Travel LLC, has launched Custom Golf Travel with a focus on Ireland and Scotland. Jack’s attention to golf detail, intimate knowledge of Ireland and the Irish golf courses as well as his in-depth personal travel and trade contacts all help to ensure […]

Champagne Occasions & Honeymoons

There is something so delicious about this time of year!  Apart from the turkey and trimmings….. it’s a thing called love and family and sweet beginnings. Many a canny mother or dad seem to know to keep a special bottle of champagne hidden away for that “unexpected” occasion.  We are going to the New Year’s […]

INDABA 2013: Africa’s top travel show

Trip Report by Keith Holshausen, Lazy Lizard Travel LLC Even though I grew up in Southern Africa, every visit ‘home’ is filled with excitement from the moment I step onto the South African Airways flight in JFK, to the first sight of the rising sun and that unforgettable orange glow as we wing southwards.  SAA […]

Sleeping Partners

There’s an old saying that goes “let sleeping dogs lie” and while that may be true for dogs, sleeping partners, don’t!  For that I am heartily glad as my “sleeping partner”, financial backer and Number One Encourager joined the business full time at the beginning of the year. Keith has watched and coached from the […]

10 Great New Year Travel Goals!

1)  Do not expect to find things as they are at home, remember you have left home to find a new and different experience. 2) Remember, if we were expected to stay in one place, we would have been created with roots. 3) Do not let other travelers get on your nerves. 4) Remember you […]

Been There!

I had two comments thrown at me this past week that have given me much cause for thought.  Not rude or unkind comments.  Not at all.  But comments suspiciously close to some that I may well have made in the past…. Unthinking, and most definitely, ignorant.  What in part has caused my consternation is neither […]