Summer and the Pinks of Spring
Pretty soon I will hear the cicadas begin their incessant call meaning that summer is well and truly on us, and so before that happens I wanted to make sure that I have captured and recorded spring. In all her blushing pink! Saucer Magnolia Today the azaleas bloomed! In the morning they looked like big […]
North Carolina Shores
Not so long ago in the dead of winter, we hired a small place right at the very edge of the beach with an unobstructed view right down to the waves. There was hardly anyone else down there and we felt as if we had the beach, and island, to ourselves. With the outside temperature […]
Ocean visits
There are no two ways about it – I just love the sea! Any time I get a chance to spend some time down at the beach, I’ll take it. Any beach. Any sea. Any season. Any time. There is something about being close to that huge body of water that soothes my soul and […]
Carolina Fall
Glowing autumn colours I was gazing out of the hotel window a couple weeks ago when I was on a trip to Tennessee. It is officially Fall but we have had unseasonably warm weather and the trees seem reluctant to turn. The fact that we followed some incredible storms with wind and heavy rain, tornado […]