Half-way through March already? How did that happen? Oh.. that’s right, we only got back from Africa 6 weeks ago. Yes! We were traveling – jumping on and off planes, in and out airports, visiting family and friends, spending lots of time outdoors and experiencing life in all its fullness in a place that’s full of fresh air and sunshine. And hardly a mention of covid!
We were in Zimbabwe where we enjoyed sophisticated dinners under the stars, lazy bush picnics under huge mahogany trees on the banks of the Zambezi, waking early morning to the ridiculous sound of the trumpeter hornbills and learning of late night leopard prowls through the neighborhood. And how to beat after-dinner coffee accompanied by the deep throated roar of lion in the distance? • We traveled purposefully – visiting family and deliberately leaving the pervasive negative hysteria of post-election America – we needed a break! • We traveled carefully – we researched our route, our countries, the requirements, kept our masks on, washed our hands and sanitized frequently and found it all very civilized and manageable. |
Traveling AC (After Covid) is possible and we here at LLT can tell you how and where and what! Perhaps most importantly is why.
We all know travel is good for the soul, adding richness to our lives in a way few other things can. But purposeful travel is so much more than that. People on the other side NEED us to travel. Their livelihoods depend on it. Whether this is Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, the Blue Hole of Belize, the islands of the Caribbean or the vineyards & villas of Tuscany… Get out there! Enrich your life again AND theirs at the same time! Su’s Tip: As adventurers the world over begin to see the light dawn on travel days again, we are already finding it a challenge to get availability! Don’t delay. Get hold of us soon to plan your next trip and don’t lose out again. While we were away….. For many years we have admired and frankly coveted the magnificent Stone Sculptures of Zimbabwe. These hand-hewn imaginative pieces are carved out of the ancient rocks of Zimbabwe by skilled artists and have become world-renowned amongst collectors of serious art. And so we are thrilled to tell you that we have been appointed the North American representatives of Stone Dynamics Gallery Zimbabwe who support and arrange sales for these artists. We can’t wait to introduce you to this stunning and very unique art form! Be on the lookout for our next newsletter when we will be sharing about the likes of Henry Munyaradzi, Zachariah Njobo, Ernest Chiwaridzo and more …. And their sculptures. |
Do send this onto your family and friends and encourage them to sign up to receive our next newsletter and follow us on Facebook or Instagram where we will be highlighting our travels, our artists and their work.
Until next time …….dream, plan, travel! Su and Keith |